Spotted: Whitney Port at the Florida Room

It was close to 1:45 and the Florida Room"s lights were dimmed to twice their usual glow. Having closed out the place more than a few times, I knew that it meant the club would soon close, but so early? Then from the corner of my eye, I see -- a camera crew. The "star" whose night they were capturing for eternity? Whitney Port of The Hills and The City "fame."

Having never seen either show, I don"t know who the hot guy was that she was canoodling with, but the camera caught an argument, a storming-out, and Port pulling off some semi-sultry dance moves while Awesome New Republic rocked out in the background.

To see photo"s of Whitney at the L*Space show by Monica 2010 fashion show in Miami, click here.

To see Photos of Whitney and Olivia at the Mara Hoffman 2010 fashion show in Miami, click here.

To see Photos of Whitney, Roxy and Olivia at the Extra Life Lycra 2010 fashion show in Miami, click
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